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Welcome to NASW's Alaska ChapterThe National Association of Social Workers Alaska Chapter is your professional organization. We support the professional development of our members!Join our email list!https://visitor.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?m=1131686949226&p=oi\Images\ChaptersHomepageBannerImages\naswak.socialworkers.org\Alaska banner.jpgAlaska wilderness landscape including mountains and forestsnaswak.socialworkers.org

Visit our New Job Board

Congratulations to our 2023 Biennial Conference Award Winners

Social Worker of the Year: Leigh Bolin & Melissa Merrick
Member of the Year: Rachel Gearhart
Elder of the Year: Elizabeth "Liz" Sunnyboy Yup'ik Elder
MSW Student of the Year: Guy Harris
BSW Student of the Year: Leigh Smith

Learn more about our winners

Retrieving CEU from the 2023 Conference

  • Navigate to https://naswinstitute.inreachce.com. If not signed in, hover your mouse over "Hello, Guest" in the top right corner and click "Sign In." Login with your email address (or username) and password. Afterwards, the "Hello, Guest" button with change to "Hello, (Your Name).”
  • Once signed in, if you're not taken directly to your products page (or navigate away from it), hover your mouse over "Hello, Pamela” in the top right corner and click "My Products" in the menu.
  • Locate and click the "Get Certificate" button under the course title to open a new window.
  • Click the "Get Certificate" button at the bottom. If applicable, select the certificate version in the drop-down menu at the top and then click "Send Certificate Email" to generate an email with the certificate to your inbox. You can also print and/or save your certificate in the PDF format.

Join the NASW-AK MyNASW Community

MyNASW is a dynamic community made up of people just like you who are passionate about the social work profession. It’s the perfect place to network, collaborate, share insights, and get answers to your most pressing questions. As a member of the NASW Alaska Chapter—you also get to be a part of the NASW Alaska community made up of peers and supporters of the Alaska region. Please take a few minutes and introduce yourselves to the rest of the Alaska social work community.

Login to the NASW Alaska chapter community using your NASW username and password.

Fall Lunch and Learn Speaker Series

Save the Dates

Aging Well -- Let's Go!

Patrick Curtis -- AARP Alaska

November 4, 2024
ONE General CEU

Supervision & Leadership! (pending)

Annie H Handley
November 11, 2024
ONE General CEU

Schizophrenia & antipsychotic-induced movement disorders

Siri Mayo, PMHNP-BC
Teva Clinical Science Liaison
November 18th, 2024
ONE General CEU

Yuguumalleq, the way of the human being

Yaari Walker
December 9th, 2024
ONE Alaska Native CEU

Committee Meetings

Please contact your regional representative for committee volunteer opportunities and more information.

Social Action Committee(SAC)

Help monitor legislation & advocate to enhance the profession of social work and clients served in Alaska! Join the committee:

Thursdays 5:30pm on Zoom
Email Tasha Childs to join!

Board Meeting

Join us for our next quarterly Board Meeting
September 28th  – 10:00 AM via Zoom
Meeting ID: 530 829 2124
Passcode: NASW